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2 résultat(s)

Born in the "agrarian ghetto" of Dickens―on the southern outskirts of Los Angeles―the narrator of The Sellout resigns himself to the fate of lower-middle-class Californians: "I'd die in the same bedroom I'd grown up in, looking up at the cracks in the stucco ceiling that've been there since'68 quake." Raised by a single father, a controversial sociologist, he spent his childhood as the subject in racially charged psychological studies. He is led to believe that his father's pioneering work will result in a memoir that will solve his family's financial woes. But when his father is killed in a police shoot-out, he realizes there never was a memoir. All that's left is the bill for a drive-thru funeral.
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L'histoire de Winston Tuffy Foshay, jeune Noir de East Harlem et fils d'un ex-Black Panther. Voué aux travaux de gros bras dans les affaires sombres de son quartier, il décide de changer de vie et se retrouve candidat aux élections de son district après avoir frôlé la mort. ©Electre 2018
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