Timoté discovers the Musée d'Orsay! Today, Timoté is going to visit the Musée d'Orsay with his family and his friends. As soon as they arrive in front of the museum, a huge rhinoceros sculpture impresses the little group! In the main hall, they discover the big clock of what used to be a railway station, the grandfather explains. During their visit, they admire Millet's painting " Des glaneuses ", Vincent Van Gogh's " La Nuit étoilée " and Edouard Manet's " Le Fifre ". Later, they are moved by Berthe Morisot's " Le Berceau ".
Année de parution :
1 vol. (non paginé [23] p.-[1] dépl.) : ill. en coul. : 18 cm